There are a million reasons why it would happen, such as malware attacks, internet issues, bugs, and issues preventing widgets from updating automatically and others. Here are some methods you can use to fix “widgets not working on Windows 11 issue”. Also Read- Increase Your Internet Speed in Windows 11

1.) Restart Your Computer

As simple as it can get, restarting a PC will resolve widgets not working on Windows 11 for many users. This is because temporary software glitches or bugs can prevent a system from rendering widgets, and thus, a quick reboot takes all away and fixes this temporary glitch for good.

1.) Restart Your Computer2.) Restart Windows Explorer3.) Fix Corrupt System Files4.) Update Windows OS5.) Restart Widgets6.) Use Your Microsoft Account7.) Terminate Widgets Using Task ManagerClosing Words

2.) Restart Windows Explorer

Another potential method to fix the said issue is to restart Windows Explorer using Task Manager. Here’s how it goes.

3.) Fix Corrupt System Files

Both Android and Windows OS have issues with corrupted files that you can end up with after installing a malicious application. There was an issue with the software that corrupted some system files, prompting widgets to stop working for a while. Follow the instructions mentioned below to fix it up. The system will automatically search files for any degree of corruption due to XYZ reasons and fix it up. This method comes in handy if the problem with widgets on Windows 11 was actually triggered by corrupted system files. 

4.) Update Windows OS

You are using Windows 11 which is the latest update available. However, Microsoft releases minor and incremental updates now and then to kill bugs and update OSes with new features. You could be using an outdated version of Windows 11 which caused problems with widgets in the first place. Here are some instructions you need to follow to update the system.

5.) Restart Widgets

Since restarting features that aren’t running as they should, why not restart widgets on your Windows 11 PC. Here’s how you can do it.

6.) Use Your Microsoft Account

You can create a Microsoft and local account to use your PC with Windows 11. However, most of the features on Windows 11 require a Microsoft account and widgets are one of them. If you haven’t signed in using a Microsoft account, you will face issues with widgets. If you have already signed in using a Microsoft account and yet facing the same issue, you can sign out and sign in again. That should do the trick.

7.) Terminate Widgets Using Task Manager

This method lets you terminate or kill off a Widgets app right away so that whatever issues it was facing are killed off as well. There are higher chances that once the Widgets service is back online, it will work as usual.

Closing Words

That’s the end of our post on how to fix the Widgets not working issue on Windows 11. You should try them one by one before ending up fixing widgets on your PC. If you have any other method for widget fix. let us know in the comment section.

How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 33How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 22How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 62How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 58How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 6How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 79How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 78How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 65How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 91How To Fix Widgets Not Working On Windows 11   TechDator - 40